Books Read in My Classroom

Friday, 7 November 2014

Social Studies Project 2014

Dear Parents,

Our class is once again busy working on Social Studies Projects. Our topic is to select and research about a province or territory. We have created the criteria together for the children to follow. We have used technology and print sources to find information, print maps and gather other information needed to complete our project.

The children have really improved in their ability to gather information and put it into their own words.
All of the research is done in class so I may make observations and assist children as they are researching.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Take care,

Ms. L. Romeo J


Social Studies Project Criteria

Topic:  Select a province or territory to research.

Not Yet Met
Name of province or territory
·         Colourful (at least 3 different colours
·         Spelled correctly
Facts about province or territory
·         6 or more facts about province or territory
·         Use C.O.P.S. (Capital letters, organized, punctuation and spelling
Map of Province or Territory
·         Map is neat
Flag of Province or Territory
·         Map is in colour
·         At least 5 different pictures
·         Pictures can be drawn or from other sources
Share Your Project
·         Share your project with your table team


This project is due November 13, 2014

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