Books Read in My Classroom

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Remembrance Day

Ms.'s Video

We are so fortunate to have Ms. Hepworth who creates such a moving Remembrance Day Assembly that leaves us with hope and reminds us about our past. Truly moving. Here is a short clip of the highlights. I was proud of the 3 students that read at the assembly. 

A Note About Math......

Dear Parents,

Please find attached a subtraction grid that shows you all the facts that your child knows so far this year. Subtraction can be a difficult concept for kids to understand. We have played some subtraction games and explored different strategies to help your child learn their basic subtraction facts.

We are now moving on to learn addition facts. We have been playing some online fact games, learning some new strategies but mostly I am hoping that the children will anchor their new learning onto the subtraction facts they already know.

We are starting with reviewing double facts. Below is a list of doubles that your child should know:
2+2                      10+10                    50+50
3+3                      11+11                     60+60
4+4                      12+12                    70+70
5+5                      15+15                    80+80
6+6                      20+20                   90+90
7+7                      25+25                   100+100
8+8                      30+30
9+9                      40+40
We will then move on to the Commutative Property. Another name that you may know if “Fact Families.”
Here is an example using the number 5,7 and 12.
5+7=12                           12-7=5
7+5=12                           12-5=7
This is a very powerful strategy. It links subtraction and addition together and it uses a flip of numbers to get the same answer.

I encourage families to play cards, math games or visit math websites to support your child’s learning.

Thank you,

Ms. L. Romeo J

Friday, 7 November 2014

No School

Hi all,
There will not be school on Monday November 10 and Tuesday November 11.
Thank you!

Social Studies Project 2014

Dear Parents,

Our class is once again busy working on Social Studies Projects. Our topic is to select and research about a province or territory. We have created the criteria together for the children to follow. We have used technology and print sources to find information, print maps and gather other information needed to complete our project.

The children have really improved in their ability to gather information and put it into their own words.
All of the research is done in class so I may make observations and assist children as they are researching.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Take care,

Ms. L. Romeo J


Social Studies Project Criteria

Topic:  Select a province or territory to research.

Not Yet Met
Name of province or territory
·         Colourful (at least 3 different colours
·         Spelled correctly
Facts about province or territory
·         6 or more facts about province or territory
·         Use C.O.P.S. (Capital letters, organized, punctuation and spelling
Map of Province or Territory
·         Map is neat
Flag of Province or Territory
·         Map is in colour
·         At least 5 different pictures
·         Pictures can be drawn or from other sources
Share Your Project
·         Share your project with your table team


This project is due November 13, 2014