Books Read in My Classroom

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Welcome Back

Dear Parents,
The school year is off and running! It seems like the summer holidays were so far away! 

I would like to share what we have started learning.  In Math, we have starting learning about Place Value and Subtraction strategies. Problem solving is always part of our learning. I ask that parents support their child by playing the math games that I send home and visiting math websites. If you have any questions about my math program, please let me know.

In Science, we are learning about "Habitats and Communities." We are exploring different habitats and we will visit a local Wetland in our very own Transcona Community!

In Social Studies, we are learning about Canada. We will start by exploring some basic facts about Canada. The children will learn about provinces, territories and topographic regions.

In English Language Arts, we are learning the building blocks for a balanced literacy program. This includes a word study, writing study and reading study. There is also exploration of speaking and listening skills. I only have researched based ELA programs in my classroom that have proven successful with various types of learners.

We are also starting French, Health, Art and computer studies this term. What a lot of exciting opportunities to learn!

I look forward to an exciting year ahead. Please know that my door is always open! 
Take care,
Ms. L. Romeo :)

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