Books Read in My Classroom

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Multiplication Facts

Hi there,
Today I will be sending home a letter that is attached to a multiplication grid. Your child has highlighted all the facts that they know. I am asking that you support your child in learning the rest of the multiplication facts they need to know.

Here is the letter.

Dear Parents,

Please find attached a multiplication grid. On it, I have highlighted all the facts that your child knows. The Grade 4 Math Curriculum expects students in grade 4 to have a solid understanding of facts up to 5 X5. They also should be able to figure out facts to 9X9 using various math tools.

I am asking you to support your child with learning their math facts that they do not know. This can be done by playing multiplication games that I have sent home and visiting math websites that can be found on my blog.

Each week, I will be checking to see if your child has improved.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at

Thank you for your support,

Ms. L. Romeo J

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