Books Read in My Classroom

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Multiplication Facts

Hi there,
Today I will be sending home a letter that is attached to a multiplication grid. Your child has highlighted all the facts that they know. I am asking that you support your child in learning the rest of the multiplication facts they need to know.

Here is the letter.

Dear Parents,

Please find attached a multiplication grid. On it, I have highlighted all the facts that your child knows. The Grade 4 Math Curriculum expects students in grade 4 to have a solid understanding of facts up to 5 X5. They also should be able to figure out facts to 9X9 using various math tools.

I am asking you to support your child with learning their math facts that they do not know. This can be done by playing multiplication games that I have sent home and visiting math websites that can be found on my blog.

Each week, I will be checking to see if your child has improved.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at

Thank you for your support,

Ms. L. Romeo J

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Light Website

We have started our unit on Light and Sound. Here is a good website that supports our study of light.

We were on the sites today!

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Home Writing Week 2


Dear Parents,

For Week 2 of “Home Writing”, your child is encouraged to write for about 3 to 5 minutes about what they notice at home.  They are to write down their observations in their home reading notebook.  We have written a similar assignment at school.  This assignment encourages children to notice sounds, smells and what people are doing using words to describe their observations. 

We will be sharing these observations on THURSDAY.

Thank you,

Ms. L. Romeo

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Early Dismissal

Hi again,
Early Dismissal is TOMORROW January 15 at 2:35.

Read Acroos Canada Continues

Dear Parents,
Please know that "Read Across Canada" continues! We have not reached our class goal. Every page counts. If you lost your booklets, please write the title of book read and number of pages read in their agenda.
Thank you!

Home Writing Starts!

Hi all,
The children will continue to work on their writing skills at home. Our first home writing activity was sent home yesterday. It is an interview. The children will have home writing for the entire month of January. The homework assignment goes home MONDAY and returned each THURSDAY. It is a good way to practice writing skills taught in class at home! Please find the assignment below.
I look forward to see who your child selected to interview!!!


Your first home writing assignment is for you to find someone to interview.  An interview is a way to get to know someone better.  You will record the information on this sheet.  You are required to ask the questions provided and record their answers.  You are encouraged to ask more questions on the back of this sheet.  You can interview a friend, relative or someone that you are interested to learn more about such as a coach or a teacher.

Name:  __________________________________________________

What are some of your favourite activities to do?

What 3 words would you use to describe yourself and why? 

What is your favourite movie? 

Multiplication Fun

Hi all,
Today we went on some multiplication sites. We liked It was fun to see the children ENJOYING learning their math facts. Have fun. :)