Books Read in My Classroom

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Habitat Test November 13, 2013

Hi there. Here is our study guide for our Science Test. Our test will be on Wednesday November 13. I have included below the items that your child will need to know for their test!

Habitat Study Guide

Please study the following items for your test.


o   Draw and name 2 predators and preys.  For example for predator you could draw a tiger, lion, shark or alligator.  For example for prey you could draw and name a mouse, worm, small fish or rabbit.

o   Tell why animals CAMOUFLAGE into their habitats.  (To protect themselves from other animals or predators.)

o   Name 2 animals that Camouflage in nature.  This includes fox, grasshopper, chameleon or rabbit.

o    Marsh is a wet lowland area.

o   Deserts are dry habitats.

o   Coral reef is an underwater habitat with coral.

o   Rainforests are lush green habitats with 4 layers: emergent, canopy, understory and forest floor.

o   Polar habitat is the coldest habitat that includes the Arctic and Antarctica.

o   Omnivore eat both plants and animals.

o   Carnivores eat mostly meat.

o   Herbivore eat mostly plants.

o   Know simple food chains such as bird eats the caterpillar and the caterpillar eats the flower.

o   Know the difference between a PHYSICAL adaptation (Shark has sharp teeth) and BEHAVIOURAL adaptation. (Geese fly south) 

o   Food chain with snake, mouse, mushroom, hawk, grass and grasshopper and what order. 

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