Books Read in My Classroom

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Early Dismissal on October 4

Just a friendly reminder that on October 4 it is an early dismissal day at 2:35. Also NO classes on October 11, 14 and October 25.
Thank you!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Canadian Fun!

Here is a great link that connects to our study of Social Studies about Canada. Try it out!

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Math Sites

Math is a challenging subject for some people. I ask parents to play math games with their child. It will help your child change his or her attitude towards math! Here are some fun math sites that I enjoy!
Take care,
Ms. Romeo :)

Monday, 23 September 2013

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi all,
Sorry for taking so long to get my blog up and running but I was having issues with it! I will be using my blog to communicate with all of you. If you do not want the automatic updates, please let me know.
Take care,
Ms. Romeo :)